You can send Email from many areas in Ascora whether it's from Scheduler, Jobs, Quotes, Customers, Invoice, and Enquiry screen. In order to send emails quickly, you need to configure your Email Templates.
1. Go to Administration → Email Templates.
2. Click the little white triangle to show the drop down menu and select the module you'd like an email template added to and click Add Template.
In this example, we are adding an email template for Job category.
3. Build your email template by entering a template name, subject, and Email Content.
You can add Email Fields to auto populate certain information such as Job Name, Job Number, etc. In this example, we've added a few Email Fields and one of them is Job Name.
Note: It is important that you do not manually type the Email Fields as they won't work that way. Always click the link under Email Fields.
5. Once you're happy with the details, click Save to proceed.
6. After building your Email template, you can start using it when you need to send an email whether from the Job screen, Quote screen, any other areas where email functionality is available.
In this example, we created a Job Confirmation email template and we can use it by opening a job, and then click Email Job.
5. Select the template (in this example Job Confirmation) and the message should auto populate based on the template selected.
Tick the customer's email address and you have the option to add an additional recipient or carbon copy.
To proceed, click Send.
Note: You can repeat steps 2 - 3 to build your Email templates for the other areas such as Invoice, Enquiry, Customers, etc.