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Client Roster is another way of scheduling jobs and it's one  of the options that you can choose when accessing the Scheduler. Just like the other ways of scheduling jobs such as from Job Scheduler, Job Calendar etc.., Client Roster gives you a different point of view so you may use  this if applicable in your area.

1. Go to Scheduler → Client Roster.

2. The Client Roster screen appears and you can filter to Billing Customer and Job which displays the assigned users booked for that job.

  You also have a few things that you can do from this screen such as:

  • Download Schedule - to download schedules similar to downloading schedules from Scheduler → Job Scheduler.
  • Email Schedule - to email schedules to specific users and this is also similar to the button you see in Scheduler → Job Scheduler → Email Schedule.
  • Confirm Current Bookings - to confirm all visible unconfirmed bookings which will generate a timesheet for each unconfirmed booking displayed on the roster.

3. To book a job to a new user or more users, click Manage Roster.

4. Search the user or users and then select the billing customer and corresponding job as well as enter the Start Time and End Time.

You can follow this sequence:

  1. Select the User or Users you want to create the booking for
  2. Select the Billing Customer and Job you would like to schedule
  3. Select the Start Time and End Time
  4. Click on the scheduler (the column where you see dates and alternating columns of blue and yellow) and booking will be created.

In this example, we selected Job J112544 and created a booking for Amelia on Tuesday 12 January. If you want to book it on a different day, just repeat the steps but click the area below the corresponding date.

Note: The columns in yellow indicate a free schedule and the columns in blue indicate active bookings.

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