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1. Go to Administration → Users.

2. Change the display filter to Mobile Access and check column App Version where it displays the current version being used.

  • iOS App always starts with number 6 and in this example, it's version 6.47 and the number increases as we continue to build newer versions (e.g. 6.48, 6.49,6.50, etc)
  • Android App always starts with number 4 and in this example, it's version 4.45 and the number increases as we continue to build newer versions (e.g. 4.46, 4.47, 4.48 etc)

How to tell  which version is the latest?

Newest versions are announced in the Release Notes section in Ascora.

1. Click the circle which is one of the icons on the left side of your email address and select Release Notes.

2. You'll be redirected to the Release Notes page where you can click on the title to display more information.

    In this example we clicked 15 Jul 2021 - Android Release 4.45 where it displays more information about it.

When you access the Apple Store for iOS or Play Store for Android and search for Ascora App, you'll be able to see Update button to indicate that your App is not the most updated version.

Additionally, the log in screen in the Asocra App also displays the current App version.

When one user is using multiple devices perhaps iPhone and iPad or combination or Android phone and iPad, the information you'll see in Ascora web will refer to the device with the latest sync completed.

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