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With your Ascora account, you can create unlimited number of users with web access. Once a user is created, you can choose to give the new User Web Access or Mobile Access.

1. To create a user, go to Administration → Users.

2. Click New and enter the name and email address and click Save.

(warning) Note: Email address can only be used once so if a user's email address may have been used to sign up for Ascora account in the past, contact Ascora for support.

3. Allow web access by ticking the box beside Allow Web Access and assign a role whether Administrator or Standard User

Next step is to add permissions by ticking the corresponding boxes. In this example, we are setting up Administrator role who has access to all areas.

4. In the following section, you can adjust permission levels such as user having the ability to view invoices but unable to delete or a user with access to view jobs but unable to edit and delete.

3. To create a password, click Change Password and enter the details in Password Field and Confirm Password field. Once done, click Save.

Note: Make sure that password criteria are met when setting up a password.

4. After updating permissions and permission levels as well as creating a password, click Save.

5. Provide the username and password to the user and depending on role assigned and permissions, password can be changed once logged in.

We've now completed the steps in Creating a New User.

Note: To enable mobile access please see How to add Mobile User and Grant Permissions user guide.

User Web Roles

How to add Mobile User and Grant Permissions 

How to Reset Password

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