Your credit card payment for your Ascora monthly subscription is being processed on the invoice date or payment processing date. It is important that there's sufficient balance in your credit card account to cover the monthly payment.
Unsuccessful Payments
If your most recent payment was unsuccessful, once you've updated your credit card details, payment will be automatically re-processed at 12 midnight. Please note that there will be a total of three attempts to process a payment and if all attempts were unsuccessful, your account will be locked until payment is received.
Note: After a successful payment, your account will be automatically unlocked.
How to update Credit Card Details
1. Click on your email address located at the top right hand side of the Ascora screen and click My Account.
Note: If you don't have access to this screen, please liaise with your supervisor or manager who has a client admin role.
2. Click Update Payment Details and enter your credit card details.
After putting your credit card details, click Update Details located on the lower part of the screen.
What is my Invoice Date or Payment Processing Date?
1. You can see your invoice date by clicking your email address on the top right of the screen and click My Account
2. Select Your Invoices and refer to column Invoice Date.
In this example, we have an account with invoice dates 15-Dec-2020 and 15-Jan-2021. This means that all payments are taken on every 15th of each month. Funds must be available on the Invoice Date to ensure payments are processed successfully.
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