Choose the Customers Icon in the Top Menu to display the Customer List.
On the Customer List Screen, click the +New button to create a New Customer.
1. Enter the Customer's Details
2. Select an Assigned User (if required). This is used for assigning an account manager to a customer record, and can be useful in filtering customers in the Customer menu.
Note: This will not impact the assigned user on the Quote or Quick Sale screen, which is instead determined by the logged in user creating them.
3. Select a Customer Type from the dropdown menu.
If the Customer Type you require does not exist, you can create one by clicking the +Add New button. Type the new Customer Type into the textbox then click Save.
4. Select a Lead Source from the dropdown menu. If the Lead Source you require does not exist, you can create one by clicking the +Add New button. Type the new Lead Source into the textbox and click Save.
If the Billing Customer is new, click the Create New button and follow the same instructions used to Create a New Customer.
b. Complete the Billing Customer configuration by applying a Care Of Name and/or Account Number if required. Apply the available Invoicing options by ticking the relevant checkboxes.
9. Once you have finished entering all the available Customer Details, click the Save button, which is located near the top-right of the screen.