You are able to create these jobs in the Job Templates section in Ascora. This can be found under Advanced on the top menu.
1. In the Job Templates section, you will start by clicking on the new button in the top right-hand corner of the Job Templates page.
2. Once done, a new job template will be created. In order to make this a recurring job, you will need to choose recurring (job templates will default to On Demand jobs.)
3. This will bring up your recurring template menu. From here you can set up the job information. There are many options to choose from in this section . such as setting up the frequency, having jobs automatically booked or just created as unscheduled, and whether you'd like this recurring job to repeat for a certain number of occurrences or just continue running until stopped manually.
4. The best place to start is in the Details section. Here you will see the same options you see when creating a standard job. Set your recurring job out like you normally would any regular job.
5. Next, it is recommended that you organise your Site Customer and Billing Customer. The address will automatically come from the site customer. If you need to enter an address other than that, you are able to manually input that address, if you so wish; just like you would on a standard job.
6. From here, set up your Job Description. This will populate onto all future jobs that recur from this template. So instead of having to come back to this job template to know what the job is about, you will be able to input that here and see it across all jobs.
7. Now you will need to set up the specific settings of the recurring job.
There are 5 main parts to this section. And they will be broken down to best understand how they each work.
8. The first section is setting when you want this job to start recurring from. In this example, we’ll have the job start on 01/01/2019.
9. FREQUENCY: Next you will want to decide how frequently this job will be created. This will be done in the Frequency section. In the frequency section you can see that there are different options to choose from.
c. Or on the last day of a specific number of months.
A. Here you can see that you are able to choose the recurrence frequency to be Days, Weeks, Month and Years.
So, for example, you can set that to 8 if you want it to recur every 8 days, every 8 week, every 8 months, or once every 8 years when paired with the corresponding drop down.
B. This second option allows you to choose a specific date of any sequence of months for the job to recur.
As you can see here, it is set to create jobs on the 5th of every 3 months. So, if they job was to start in January, it would make a job on the 5th of January, then the next would be the 5th of April; 3 months later.
C. The next frequency option is to have it create the new job on the last day of a set number of months.
In this example, this template would create a job on the last day of every 6 months.
10. CREATE AS: Once you have decided how frequently you would like the job to be created, the next step is to decide from the format in which you would like the jobs to be created as.
The 3 options we have in this section allows you to create a job that has no particular booking, a specified booking, or is immediately Closed and Invoiced.
a. The New option will allow the jobs to be created without a particular booking, but will be viewable in your Unscheduled drop down on your Scheduler. These jobs are also available in the jobs list to modify and create bookings on like a standard job.
11. REPEAT: Next you will want to set for how long you would like this Recurring job to run for. There are 3 options in this field too.
a. Until allows you to choose a specific date that this Recurring Job will finish. It will not create any further jobs after that date. This is good if you have a contract or agreement with an expiry of a specific date or month.
But if that customer comes back and wants that job to be continued at a later date, you are able to come back into that Job Template and Start Recurring button and it will start of from where you left off with the same settings; saving you from recreating the Job Template if they wanted your services again after having stopped them.
This section is able to help you with how many Jobs you would like to appear in your Scheduler in Advance.
13. Recur from Job Completion
Just to give a little explanation to what this is, basically, you can have a job to recur as frequently as you wish and set it to, but when this check box is clicked, it will only recur the job from the day the current job is fully completed. If you would like them to be set for the same time without change, untick this box. But if you would only like a job to be created once the previous one is finished, you’ll want to check this box.
14. Once you have filled all those fields in, and click Save, you will find that new tabs will appear above the Details. These are the same tabs you would see on a normal job. This is the point where you would treat this template like a regular job. (You will notice there are no bookings created yet in the Jobs tab. No need to worry, they will be discussed in the next step) Any Supplies, Labour or Callouts, Equipment that you need on all the jobs of this template, add them here, and they will be included in each job that is created from this template. Click Save.
15. Once you have completed all the steps up to this point, and you have the template exactly how you would like each job to be and all the information is correct, you will now be able to create the bookings and start the Job Template to create the recurring jobs. To do this, you will click Start Recurring in the top right-hand corner of the template.
When you have clicked Start Recurring, a new set of buttons will appear in that same place on the template.
Now that these new buttons have appeared, in order to activate the template to start running based on the settings you’ve included, you will now need to click Run Recurring. A pop up will appear confirming this action. To which you would just click Yes, Run This Job Template to confirm.
There will then be a pop up to advise you that the change has been accepted by Ascora, you will just need to click OK.
There is an additional setting that you are able to choose. This can be found in the Defaults section in the Administration menu. At the bottom of the left-hand column of the page you can choose a custom setting for recurring jobs
Once you check the box for Use Customer Recurring Job Creation Settings you will be given the option to set how many days in advance recurring jobs are created.
table two buttons. Delete Jobs and Cancel Jobs.
Each of these two buttons have entirely different functions, and it’s incredibly important to remember the differences, as it could be quite devastating to scheduling to mistake them.